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Arthur Talayko

I'm a senior product designer crafting useful, delightful experiences with business impact.
Advanced Search Thumbnail.png

Keeper Security -  Released 23'

Enhanced search for consumer and enterprise users and a framework for expansion

Product Design | Web App | Design System | Accessibility | Product Strategy | Project Management

Figma - Extra Space 600x600.gif

Keeper Security -  Released 23'

Multi-platform UI refresh and design system with cohesive, accessible, and scaleable experiences

Product Design | Web App | Browser Extension |

Mobile | Design System | Accessibility | Product Strategy | Project Management

Advanced Search Thumbnail.png

Keeper Security -  Released 23'

An intuitive system for saving, logging in with, and managing passkeys

Product Design | Browser Extension | Web App | Mobile | Design System | Accessibility | Product Strategy | Project Management

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Figma - Feature Prototype

Creating more usable screen real estate with intuitive interaction in the editor

Product Design | Interaction Design | Visual Design | Prototyping

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Uffizi Gallery -  iOS Prototype

An easy to use audio guide app for tourists with curated tours and familiar patterns

App Design | User Research | Wireframing

Prototyping | Usability Studies | Visual Design 

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Progress Retail - Dashboard

A responsive retail education and daily management dashboard

Responsive Design | UI | Design System

Respiratory Recharge Project Thumbnail.png

Respiratory Recharge - Released 20'

Branding, website and content for a new respiratory focused supplement

Web Design | Branding | Logo Design | Copy Writing | Packaging Design | Visual Assets

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